The Making of a Champion


The family unit as a whole is complex, and managing its success from all facets and angles is an intricate process to undertake. LMI’s Family Programs enable you to align your personal and professional aspirations without sacrificing one over the other. With our five programs, you will discover that when one aspect is flourishing, the other will follow. Our programs empower you and your family to attain the measurable growth of careers, finances and personal relationships.

The Making of a Champion

Hardcover Book MockUp

Broken down into ten core lessons, this program’s initial objectives are to discover your individual sources for motivation, realize your true abilities and then invigorate your personal goals and dreams. We will implement proven practices for determination, discover how you can adopt high performance living, and demonstrate unwavering determination.


For all the details of our The Making of a Champion program, please consult our full program outline.

Building Financial Success

LMI has designed ten core lessons geared to balance your self-image and money building consciousness. Developing an action plan, managing cashflow, and leveraging untapped profitable opportunities are vital to your long-term investments. You and your family will discover the fundamentals to successful, and calculated risk taking while discovering new, unlimited resources of opportunities.

For all the details of our Building Financial Success program, please consult our full program outline.


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